Action is the missing link in most people’s quest for success.

They desire success; they dream and talk about it; they wish, hope, and pray for it but they never take actions that ensure success.

They even read books on it, attend seminars, solicit advice, make resolutions, strategize, generate potentially life transforming ideas, yet they never take action or persist in the action for as long as necessary.

Such people keep learning many valuable things but fail to apply what they learn. They forget that it is what they do with what they know that really counts – not just what they know.

As Tony Robbins, America’s foremost motivational guru rightly said, “In life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action.”

Oftentimes, people do not achieve a desired success because although they intend to take action but they never do. Instead, they keep procrastinating and by postponing the action required, invariably they postpone the success they want.

The tragedy of life really is that the man who plans to utilise an opportunity at the 12th hour may have the opportunity withdrawn at the 11th hour.

Some others refuse to take action because of the risks involved, and as a result, while they don’t ‘fail’, they don’t succeed either. Some others take actions but the actions they take negate the essential requirements of the very success they aspire for.


I’m Ayo Adebamowo. Author, Speaker and Tech Entrepreneur. I’m here to walk your success journey with you. Subscribe to my newsletter for regular nuggets or check out other empowering articles on my blog to help in that journey. My latest book is Business Accelerators, a primer on launching and growing a profitable business.

Written by : Ayo Adebamowo


About the Facilitator – Ayo Adebamowo Ayo Adebamowo is an Author, Speaker and Tech Entrepreneur. He is the founder of MyMedicalBank, a health technology company promoting digital access to healthcare through creating innovative digital solutions.

A Nigerian-British national, Ayo has been named as one of the 70 Most Outstanding Healthcare Professionals in the United Kingdom.

Having started and run various businesses himself in healthcare, technology, agriculture and publishing, Ayo very much understands from a practical point of view the pains, struggles and mistakes aspiring and established business owners often make that delay their success. He therefore brings his wealth of experience coupled with years of experience and research to help other entrepreneurs succeed in their journey.

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