Business Training

More than just a good idea, money, or hard work, investment in knowledge is the greatest key to entrepreneurial success.

To build a profitable business, you need knowledge capital more than financial capital.

Whether you’re a new entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, enroll for the Business Masterclass and acquire the knowledge to accelerate your business growth towards sustainable profitability.

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Essentials of Launching a Profitable Business 2

Essentials Of Launching A Profitable Business

Learn how to generate, validate and implement viable business ideas while also building the right structure to support a profitable enterprise.

  • Choose Online or Zoom Class

  • Runs Monthly on One Saturday (Zoom Class Only)

  • 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM GMT (Zoom Class Only)

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Essentials Of Growing A Profitable Business

Learning how to improve sales performance, strengthen and scale your business is at the heart of this course.

  • Choose Online or Zoom Class

  • Runs Monthly on One Saturday (Zoom Class Only)

  • 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM GMT

About The Launch & Grow Your Business Masterclass

Entrepreneurship offers immense prospects. If anything, it is the most common route to becoming wealthy, financially independent or simply for creating multiple income streams. Yet the entrepreneurial journey is fraught with challenges. Unsurprisingly, 50% of new businesses fail within 5 years. There are reasons for this.

In this Masterclass, you will be exposed not just to the common reasons for business failures but also proven strategies you can immediately begin to apply to avoid and overcome those challenges. Whether you are contemplating starting a business or you are looking to improve your sales performance and scale, this Masterclass will equip you to move in the right direction.

Click here to download the Course Prospectus.

What You Will Be Getting

  1. Options for 24/7 Online Access or Zoom Class
  2. Free eBook Business Accelerators: a 191-page primer on entrepreneurship available on Amazon
  3. Post-training community support via Telegram
  4. Opportunities for Questions & Answers
  5. Award of Certificate
  6. 20% discount when you book both courses

The Masterclass Courses

There are two courses in the Masterclass: Essentials of Launching a Profitable Business and Essentials of Growing a Profitable Business.

Course 1: Essentials of Launching a Profitable Business

Course Designed For:

  1. Aspiring entrepreneurs looking to start their own business and are keen to avoid common mistakes that often hold others back.
  2. Entrepreneurs who have already launched but are keen to add value to their venture.

Course 2: Essentials of Growing a Profitable Business

Course Designed For:

  1. Both aspiring and established entrepreneurs looking to improve their sales performance significantly.
  2. Ambitious entrepreneurs who are committed to growing their businesses regardless of the level of success they are currently achieving.

How It Runs

The 2 courses in the Masterclass (Launching a Profitable Business and Growing a Profitable Business) are delivered via 24/7 Online Access or Zoom Class. You choose your preferred option.

To enroll via the 24/7 online access:

  • Click on the ‘Access Online Course Now’ button below
  • You will be prompted to register an account and pay
  • Follow the instructions and begin to access the course immediately

To enroll via the Zoom class:

  • Click on the ‘Enroll for Zoom Class’ button
  • Input your details
  • You will receive a confirmation email (also check your email junk folder, just in case)
  • You will receive another email later with information on the available training date, payment link, and instruction on how to join the Zoom class,

Click here to download the Course Prospectus