
About the book Maximizing the Journey (2012)

“I have had the pleasure of reading the first chapter and I was truly blessed by the contents. I found it well researched, full of inspiring quotes and words that challenged and I have no doubt this is indeed a book that will go very far. Kindly send me 10 copies.”

Stephen B. , Kent, UK

“I consider this book Maximizing the Journey a stunning success that is all-embracing and highly conclusive. The book is an information bank for satisfactory successful life. The author demonstrated an in-depth understanding of the subject matter and his research is prolific. Quotations from renowned personality also endeared me to the book, giving greater clarity to the subject matter. My general conclusion on the book is satisfactory and would like to pay ahead for my own copy before you go for print.”

Rev Akinyemi A., Lagos, Nigeria

Maximizing the Journey is a thoroughly researched and relevant book. Ayo Adebamowo challenges readers to think, take stock, and take action. You hold in your hands a road map that promises to illuminate your journey to success and then significance. Read it, but more importantly act on it.”

Dr T. Ayodele Ajayi, Psychiatrist, Author of Footprints of Giants, London, UK.

“A very inspiring chapter! Well done Mr Ayo for your hard work. This is excellent effort from you good role model.”

Lilian O., Bedfordshire, UK

What readers are saying:


“Just been reading the book (Accelerate) and it’s a delight to read with so many valuable nuggets. A must read Indeed. Congratulations and well done.” – Morenike Ajayi MBE, Kent, UK

“It is loaded. Kudos. How did you get the time to put so much quality together. Hereby official declared you my mentor. Wale, Northampton, UK

“Inspiring….just done reading the 1st Chapter…..waiting to read the whole book.” – Tunrayo, Australia

“In 18 chapters, Adebamowo discloses timeless strategies that can be adopted in peoples’ quest to elevate, either in their personal or professional journeys in life.” – Nigerian Tribune


“A very inspiring chapter! Well done Mr Ayo for your hard work. This is excellent effort from you good role model.”

Lilian O., Bedfordshire, UK

“Every paragraph seems to have a lot of wisdom to it that I could only do it justice by rewriting the entire book to you as a review. Instead, I tried hard to choose a line or two from each chapter. It was hard because there was too much to choose from.”

Tola Awe, Reviewer, London, UK

My first reaction to your book is that it is eloquently written. The first chapter is very engaging.

Catherine T, London, UK

“This is a book for people who desire change in every facet of life. It gives an insight into how to live a life of impact especially in our world where corruption, immorality and indolence prevail. This book is one of the finest from a Nigerian – in the same class as those of John Maxwell, Norman Pearle or Brian Tracy. Inspiring, informative, educative, motivative, balanced, captivating and instructional; simply classical!”

N.E, Reviewer

“The book is very rich and value-packed.”-
S.A, Economist, Hertfordshire, UK

“I will need 10 copies for my leaders and ministers…”
S.B, Kent, UK

“I m slowly getting through A Life of Impact. Slow because it’s too loaded to be rushed through.I know u know,but I’m just reminding you that there is a bestseller in you.Keep being the Giant you are.”

A.A, London, UK

“I can confirm the book is great for strategic management. You are a star and will continue to shine”
T.O, Chartered Accountant, London, UK

“Buoyed by a passion for people to live a life of significance, the author, has identified the principles on which success resolves as well as some of the setbacks inhibiting such in every life”- Nigerian Compass

“A Life of Impact is not just a book that will help motivate one to achieve success in life but it will also equip a person with the necessary wherewithal needed to make a positive difference in all undertakings. It provides one with the skills needed to run a long-term successful and durable enterprise and encourage people around you to achieve goals beyond their wildest dreams and always make positive impacts anywhere they go. The title of this book is just appropriate because it accommodates the entire contents of the book. There’s a strong connection between all the topics and the title of this book. The diction of the book is quite simple and easy to understand. The facts are clear and straight to the point, although there are some colloquial misuses of English in the book which should be avoided in the next edition of this book.

I believe the author of this book has done a very good job. The book is loaded with great ideas and information on how to live a very successful life as a business person or career person, how to secure an enduring legacy and become a source of inspiration to people around. One can always refer to this book for inspiration, motivation, information and education.”
– D.D, Reviewer

“Powerful, how did you come about those ideas?”
B.A, Liverpool, UK

“I have found lots of practicable ideas that I have immediately begun to apply to my undertakings. Commendable”

“This is awesome and spot on, a must read book”
A.G, GIS Professional, Texas, USA

“A great work….it deserves nation-wide distribution”
S.B, Reviewer, Nigeria

“I am indeed very proud of you…the extract article was impressive”
B.O, IT Professional, Lagos, Nigeria

“You are a very clever chap, where did you acquire training in management? We will definitely be inviting you over to give us a talk”
B.B, Pastor, SHC, Hertfordshire, UK

“I have only read the first chapter and it has been very interesting”
J.A, Accountant, Hemel Hempstead, UK