Success has conditions. For water to boil, the temperature must reach 100 degrees Celsius at sea level.

To succeed in any pursuit, to move from point A to point B, certain conditions must be met.

Just like a student must fulfil certain conditions in order to be awarded a university degree, so also are there requirements you must meet to achieve desired result in any pursuit.

Success does not happen arbitrarily or by luck. There are conditions that make some marriages happy and others unhappy.

There are conditions that make customers to buy a product.

There are conditions that make businesses win contract bids.

There are conditions that make people attend a church, an event or visit a location.

There are conditions that make the electorate vote for certain political parties.

There are conditions that make some people attain financial independence while others are perpetually broke and in debt.

For instance, for your business to break even, enough customers must buy from you. For that to happen, enough number of qualified leads must know about your products, and again for that to happen, they must hear about you for a certain number of times. And the list of conditions continues. In essence, certain chains of interwoven events must happen at the appropriate frequency for customers to patronize you. Unless you perform the required actions at the right levels, your business will not experience appreciable sales.

Generally, if people are not buying your product, it will be because your product or business has not satisfied the customer’s conditions for that sale to happen.

If you are not passing job interviews, it is because you are not meeting the employers’ conditions for the jobs.

Your chief task is to constantly find out what conditions must be met to grow your organisation, bring out the best in your team, generate appreciable sales in your business, make your marriage work, gain promotion at work, raise successful children, or achieve any outcome you desire and apply yourself to them.

For you to satisfy the conditions required to achieve and maintain success, there are decisions you must make. The role of wisdom is to help you make the right decisions without which your desired success will remain elusive. Success becomes easier to attain when the prerequisite conditions are known and satisfied for as long as necessary.

Failure, stagnation, and poor performance often result from not knowing what is required to succeed, wrongly assuming you know them, or not willing or able to apply them.

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Written by : Ayo Adebamowo


About the Facilitator – Ayo Adebamowo Ayo Adebamowo is an Author, Speaker and Tech Entrepreneur. He is the founder of MyMedicalBank, a health technology company promoting digital access to healthcare through creating innovative digital solutions.

A Nigerian-British national, Ayo has been named as one of the 70 Most Outstanding Healthcare Professionals in the United Kingdom.

Having started and run various businesses himself in healthcare, technology, agriculture and publishing, Ayo very much understands from a practical point of view the pains, struggles and mistakes aspiring and established business owners often make that delay their success. He therefore brings his wealth of experience coupled with years of experience and research to help other entrepreneurs succeed in their journey.

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