You cannot make money if you are not participating in the marketplace, it doesn’t matter what else you do.

The marketplace is where wealth is created because it is the place where value is exchanged for money. Every one who is making money legitimately in the world today is participating in one marketplace or another.

There are different types of marketplace that you too can participate in, to build wealth for the now and the future, for yourself and future generations.
You can participate in the Labour Market by selling your skills, knowledge, and time to an employer in exchange for salary or wage.

You can build wealth by buying and selling stocks, shares, and other financial instruments in the Stock Market and the Capital Market.

There are Physical Markets such as shops, kiosks, retail centres, and automobiles through which you can sell commodities to consumers.

There are Online Markets including e-commerce sites like Amazon, eBay, Temu, Udemy, and many others through which you can sell physical products and digital products.

You can build wealth by participating in industry-specific markets like the Rental Market, Healthcare Market, Entertainment Market and many others.

There are 4 major ways through which you can build wealth in the marketplace.
1. Participate in the marketplace
People are poor oftentimes because they are not participating in any marketplace.
To make money, you have to find a marketplace where you can offer value to people in exchange for money. Whether the “people” are employers, customers, clients, fans, subscribers or members, you will have to be offering them tangible benefits that they are willing to pay for. These will be in the forms of skills, knowledge, information, products, services, financial instruments or other value.

2. Increase your hierarchy
There is a hierarchy in the marketplace. Those at the top in any marketplace make the most money and become rich. Those at the bottom make the least money and remain poor.
For example, those at the bottom in the labour market are typically low income earners while those at the top are the highest paid. Owners of businesses that sell the most make the most money while those that barely generate sales make the least money.
To build wealth you should not only participate in the marketplace, you should also work on increasing your hierarchy in the marketplace. When your position rises, your income rises.
The bottom is crowded but there’s room at the top if you are courageous enough. The top is meant for the tough.

3. Participate in multiple marketplaces
While most people participate in only one marketplace, the rich make money by participating in multiple marketplaces.
To build wealth, you should ensure that you are not making money from only one marketplace. You need to diversify.

4. Make money while asleep
While most people make money only when they are awake such as through their job, the rich make money whether they are awake or asleep.
To build wealth, you should learn how to make money when you are asleep. You do this by making your money work for you, creating automated sales systems, and by leveraging Other People’s Money and Time (OPMT).

For example, I participate in the labour market but I also participate in the healthcare market by running a company called MyMedicalBank that connects consumers with healthcare providers seamlessly via their mobile phones.

Not only that, I have written 6 books including 3 in the last 12 months that I sell worldwide on Amazon and My 3 latest books are 👇👇
📚 Make Money –
📚 Business Accelerators –
📚 Accelerate –

I have also created 2 online courses on entrepreneurship that I offer to clients worldwide on Udemy and viz:
I’m Ayo Adebamowo. Author, Speaker and Tech Entrepreneur. I’m here to walk your success journey with you. Subscribe to my newsletter for regular nuggets or check out other empowering articles on my blog to help in that journey. My latest book is Make Money, a primer on launching and growing a profitable business.

Written by : Ayo Adebamowo


About the Facilitator – Ayo Adebamowo Ayo Adebamowo is an Author, Speaker and Tech Entrepreneur. He is the founder of MyMedicalBank, a health technology company promoting digital access to healthcare through creating innovative digital solutions.

A Nigerian-British national, Ayo has been named as one of the 70 Most Outstanding Healthcare Professionals in the United Kingdom.

Having started and run various businesses himself in healthcare, technology, agriculture and publishing, Ayo very much understands from a practical point of view the pains, struggles and mistakes aspiring and established business owners often make that delay their success. He therefore brings his wealth of experience coupled with years of experience and research to help other entrepreneurs succeed in their journey.

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