More than just showing you how to launch a business like most startup courses often do, the “Essentials of Launching a Profitable Business” course addresses the subject of entrepreneurship from the perspective of helping you to make profit as quickly as possible – whether you’ve launched a business or you’re still contemplating.
Entrepreneurship offers immense benefits. If anything, it is the most common route to becoming wealthy or attaining financially independence. Yet the entrepreneurial journey is fraught with challenges. Unsurprisingly, regardless of the country of operation roughly 50% of new businesses fail within 5 years. There are reasons for this.
In this course, you will be exposed to not just the common reasons for business failures but more importantly, you will be offered strategic and proven ideas you can immediately begin to apply to overcome those challenges. You will be learning the fundamentals involved, from generating and validating your business ideas to setting up your business and making sales.
As a bonus for taking the course, you will receive the 191-page eBook Business Accelerators sold on Amazon. In addition, you will get 20% discount when you take the “Essentials of Growing a Profitable Business” course.
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